Thursday 28 June 2012

Blogging Tips For Beginners

Let me just start by saying that I absolutely love to blog.  As a youth, writing was always a passion of mine.  Writing/Blogging gives some of us a voice that we wouldn't normally have.  The internet has given us the ability to share our thoughts and ideas with millions of viewers.  There's tons of power in blogging if you use it the right way.  It can also be a very lucrative business.  Here I'll share a few basic tips with you guys to help you get started.

There's several factors in becoming a successful blogger.
blogging tips for beginners

You must create quality content.  Whether you're blogging for fun or for business purposes you have to have great content.  I believe the purpose of most bloggers is to publish entries in hopes of getting someone to read them.  On the internet content is king.  Great content keeps your readers interested and coming back.  It's also great for search engine love.  Search engines such as google and yahoo literally drool over fresh content.

You must make regular entries to your blog.  I don't know about you but if I visit a site and I see that it hasn't been updated in a few weeks or a few months, chances are I'm not going back to visit that blog.  This shows lack of interest by the blogger.  It's a definite turn off.  If you want to be a successful blogger, you should focus on making at least 2 or 3 blog entries per week.  It gives your readers something to come back for, something to look forward to. Again, those search engines love fresh content.  If you keep adding to your content the search engines will begin to "love" you.

Keywords. In my opinion keywords are essential.  Keywords are words that people search for when they're trying to find something online.  If you've done the proper keyword research and you learn how to use those keywords then it makes it a heck of a lot easier for the search engines to find you.  If the search engines can key in on you then this makes it easier for the readers to find you as well.

Blogging has created millionaires almost over night.  If it's done properly it can and will be a lucrative business for you if that's what you decide to do.

If you're new to blogging and you really want to get started right away.  I ran across an interesting system that teaches you how to create, monetize and drive tons of traffic to your blog.

Via Ezine9

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